Chris and I can’t take much credit for the yard except the maintenance. The previous owner was a landscape architect who knew a lot about native plants, and we are just letting nature take its course.
Through the season we enjoy everything that grows and blooms, and just try to keep everything thriving. Next week is the big raised bed install, and I hope we’ll have carrots, radishes, tomatoes, beans, peppers, and leeks by the end of the growing season. Photos to follow.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these photos from the yard I took today!
About Jack
Born and raised in the not-so-deep South, I spent years in Auburn (AL), Atlanta, Hannover and Köln working for two German companies, then St. Louis where Chris and I met. We ended up together in Chicago, bought a house, and rescued an old cat named Katie. I work as a print designer from our home studio. We've been very happy together since 1998.